A marble sculpture of the hero Perseus, which originally adorned the water terrace, has been installed in the Perseus Grotto at the Palace of Marianne of Orange.
The sculpture was made from Italian Carrara marble based on available iconography. The entire block initially weighed more than 7 tonnes, and the sculpture itself now weighs around 2 tonnes. In front of the Perseus Grotto, there will be a basin with a water surface area of about 900 square metres with five gushing fountains, two of which will be topped by sculptures of a boy with a goose and a boy with a crayfish.
Towering over the whole will be a three-metre-high statue of the goddess of victory Nike, which will be cast in bronze and set on a 10-metre-high granite column.

The project is funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norwegian funds.